The “American Dirt“ Controversy | Kat Rosenfield & Phoebe Maltz Bovy [Feminine Chaos]

The controversy over the new thriller novel American Dirt 1:03 Phoebe: The trouble is that now every novel is supposed to “do good” 6:42 The Shining doesn’t represent an authentic hotel caretaker’s experience 12:45 “Don’t read this, read that” 18:37 Kat: Women writers are not supposed to not take up space 20:41 The NYT’s dual presidential endorsement as a failed feminist gesture 27:18 Kat Rosenfield (Amelia Anne is Dead and Gone, Feminine Chaos on Patreon) and Phoebe Maltz Bovy (The Perils of “Privilege“, What Would Phoebe Do?, Feminine Chaos on Patreon) Recorded January 23, 2020
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