One Song by Prince (1999)

Released on December 31, 1999 - internet only, which back then, meant not very many people saw/heard this. Hopefully this post changes that. Prophetic words from Prince. ONE SONG 1999... and the illusion continues. One begs 2 ask - “when will it end?“ Unnatural disasters happen seemingly every week. Train crashes, shootings, nuclear accidents; is there any place of refuge one can flee from this insanity? Very few of mankind’s creations r designed 2 make u feel good, unless u get pleasure from seeing the human body desecrated by guns, explosions, fights, and any other things these so-called “artists“ create. In the name of freedom, many have used art as a means 2 destroy the human mind. As an excuse 2 continue we hear “Art reflects society“. How many times has this lie been repeated: “creations r not real“, they say and yet any one of these people can call 2 mind images and complete scenes of horror in graphic detail. They will carry these so-cal
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