Crystal Marimba Glass Harp ガラスのマリンバ と グラス ハープ 高橋美智子 Michiko Takahashi

クリスタル・マリンバ & グラスハープ/高橋美智子 Crystal Marimba & Glass Harp / Michiko Takahashi ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crystal Marimba and Glass Harp were made by Shinji Sasaki and his craftsmen in instrument is now displayed at the museum of musical instrument at Musashino Conservatoire in Tokyo. About the player: Prof. Michiko Takahashi is a internationally acclaimed marimba player and premiered numerous number of commissioned works for marimba and orchestra in Europe and Japan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ♪ ずいずいずっころばしJapanese Children’s Songs ♪ エーデルワイス Edelweiss 楽器#
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