Bernie Sanders Condemns Netanyahu As War Criminal | 10 News First

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a standing ovation after a speech to Congress on Wednesday, outlining a vague plan for a “deradicalized” post-war Gaza. While pro-Palestinian protesters demonstrated outside and dozens of Democrats boycotted his speech, Netanyahu described Israel’s conflict with Iran as “a clash between barbarism and civilisation”. Netanyahu also said efforts to paint Israel as racist and genocidal during its war with Hamas is “outrageous slander”, and Gaza should have a “civilian administration run by Palestinians who do not seek to destroy Israel”. Since October 7, 2023, at least 39,090 people have been killed, including more than 15,000 children, according to Gaza health officials. Subscribe to 10 News First to get the latest updates and breaking news: Join the conversation and follow us on: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram:
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