Space Engineers - Concealed Carry Flak Guns, Cargo Ship

One type of ship that I get a lot of requests to build is some form of cargo ship but my mind soon turns to hiding weapons inside so that at a flick of a switch and a press of a button you can assess a number of man able turrets. Steam Workshop Hunter Class Cruiser V3 Star Trek - Fixed Phaser Pack Star Trek - Disruptor Pack Armor Ramps [By UncleSte] Industrial Thruster (Sage) AutoCannon(HeavyMachineGun) DoorMod [By UncleSte] Survival Mode Playlist: Large Ship Railgun Join my space engineers empire # Oh and our Facebook page: Video Sage Channel: Levitating Gamers Channel :(Tazoo): Space Engineer is like a mixture between Minecraft and Kerbal Space Program. The game is in pre-alpha and will be released on steam at some point in the future. The main purpose of the game seems to be building a space fleet and fight/ally with the other factions. You build your ships piece by piece and the only know limit for the size of your ship is what you computer can handle.
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