Nothing Left Here to Burn

I absolutely love this video. Again, like Get Around This, I had to copy piece by piece of this video for it to work, but it was worth it. When I completed this video I decided to look up how popular Vanille/Noctis it is VERY I happened upon another video with this same song involving Vanille/Noctis... Turns out we had the same idea for a particular scene and it appears almost excately the same. I want everyone to know this person did not copy and I did not either. Plz no hate mail toward me or this other talented individual. I hope this person forgives me, I didn’t know. The story of the video is pretty self-explanitory. Noctis is part of CORPS as Lightning was in ff13 and he is suppose to hunt and kill off l’Cie. Vanille is a I’Cie and ends up getting arrested and captured. She eventually escapes with the help of Sazh and Noctis is ordered to find her and bring her back, but after chasing her around and finding her, he suddenly doesn’t want to take
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