15 MIN FULL BODY Workout for TOTAL BEGINNERS (No Equipment) - Home Workout

A fitness workout designed for Total Beginners! 15 min full body workout you can do at home without any equipment. Starting something new is always scary, I know. But if you are just getting started on your fitness journey — I’m here for you! Let’s try this easy workout at home together. Try to turn this into an everyday routine, like brushing your teeth and you will love it, I promise. Even short but regular exercises improve your mood, work well with your metabolism, and make you stronger and leaner!  WORKOUT DETAILS Let’s do 15 exercises, 45 seconds each with 15 seconds rest in between: 🏠 15 exercises 🏠 45 seconds on 🏠 15 seconds off 🏠 No equipment EXERCISES 1. High V-s 2. Clap under knee 3. Butt kicks 4. Squats 5. Tiptoe squats 6. Alternate arm extensions  7. Back lunges 8. Arm circles 9. Side squats 10. Knee to elbow (standing) 11. Crunches 12. Leg drops 13. Knee to elbow (lying) 14. Reverse crunches 15. Toe-touches Let’s get started! FULL BODY Workout for TOTAL BEGINNERS (No Equipment) - Home Workout ⏱TIMESTAMP Intro - 0:00 Workout - 0:10 ________________________  ☞ Follow my Instagram for more fitness and wellness inspiration: ☞ Say Hello on my TikTok for quick tips and take a glimpse at my life: @byblondiefun ☞ Contact for business inquiries or any other questions about ByBlondie workouts: media@ ________________________  Important disclaimer. Your health and safety are most important, so to perform ByBlondie workouts safely, make sure that the area you use is suitable for exercise and your health is in check. Please, ask your doctor if you can do these exercises. By performing exercises without professional supervision, you are doing them at your own risk. Please see a professional fitness instructor who can check your form. ByBlondie will not be responsible or liable for any injuries or harm you sustain as a result of this video.
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