Naz ✘ Soner | Fallin’ all in you

Thank you for watching :) Hope you like it! Despite my SonNaz heart having been broken last episode, my hope for a reconciliation and more cute moments of them sharing their struggles and low-key smiling to each other remains intact. Apparently Soner has been seen with flowers, although I do not know how easily it would be for Naz to forgive him, still next episode we will see more of them! This is super short but still I wanted to vid them after these past two episodes, I really like the parallels that exist between AkMur and SoNaz and how ’their fathers’ are playing such a important role as well in developing their relationship. Naz is starting to see the real Soner and they are ’free falling all in’ each other (each of them at their own pace). This song is cute and slightly portrays the way Naz and her ’light’ are ’bringing a different kind of’ Soner. #SonYaz #SonNaz #SoNaz #Soner #Naz Enjoy ;)
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