Boruto - Kara Theme (DEATHWISH Remix)

Boruto - Kara Theme (DEATHWISH Remix) “Seems the facility we left behind in the Hidden Rain was destroyed by an Outer along with himself. That facility had long been abandoned, so why was it still there? Well, no matter. Just because some shinobi saw something doesn’t mean they’ve figured out our purpose. Everything is progressing as planned. Nothing has changed” ― Jigen DEATHWISH ♪ Shinzu Clan ◈ Shinzu’s Store ◈ ➟ 👕 ◈ Twitter ◈ ➟ ◈ SoundCloud ◈ ➟ ◈ Instagram ◈ ➟ ◈ Discord ◈ ➟ https://discord.g
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