530 Hp 1968 Dodge Dart First Start! Mopar 360 Cold Start!
Mopar 360 first fire up cold start video! Finally got the dodge 360, 360 mopar back small block mopar in my 1968 Dodge Dart for the first fire up cold start video! Small block mopar 68 dart for the win! Mopar performance! So happy with this engine combo, small block mopar trick flow heads, super victor intake, comp cams solid roller in a mopar 360 for great lumpy cam sound and big horsepower makes a great mopar cold start vid! Mopar
5 months ago 00:03:52 1
【MV】芹澤 優/ROCK ME KISS ME feat. MOTSU【TVアニメ『#MFゴースト』2nd Season オープニング・テーマ】#ロッキス