Russia’s Great Achievement: Top PENTAGON Officer was Eliminated in Poltava┃UKRAINE Lost in KURSK

Russia’s Great Achievement: Top PENTAGON Officer was Eliminated in Poltava┃UKRAINE Lost in KURSK ****************************************************** As you remember, on September 3, 2024, Russia launched one of the most powerful and effective missile attacks on military and energy infrastructure facilities in Ukraine. Back then, independent monitoring services recorded numerous explosions throughout Ukraine, including its western part. In my recent video, I described in detail the result of this missile attack, which not only destroyed strategic military installations of the Ukrainian army and NATO forces but also claimed the lives of dozens of Ukrainian soldiers and so-called foreign mercenaries from NATO countries. And now, 4 days after this massive Russian missile attack on the territory of Ukraine, reports of mysterious deaths of high-ranking NATO and Pentagon officers began to appear in the Western Media again.................................................................. ***
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