Why do you need a potentially life threatening, DNA altering vaccine that contains fetal tissues from aborted (MURDERED) babies for a average flu (rebranded to covid19) with 99,9% recovery rate! To explain where this “95% effective” claim actually comes from: The Pfizer vaccine trial included nearly 44,000 people. Half getting their vaccine, half getting a placebo. In total, from the 44,000 people,170 were later recorded as having become ‘infected with Covid19’. 162 of them were in the placebo group, 8 of them in the vaccine vaccine is therefore credited with preventing 154 cases of Covid19…or 95%. You don’t need to be a medical researcher or virologist to see how potentially flawed this reasoning is. The entire trial of 44,000 people is deemed a success based on the potentially multi-variant outcome from less than 4% of those involved. source
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