1M vs 2D - Comparing Piping Tips - Cupcake Piping Tip Techniques Tutorial

Hi and welcome back to my kitchen. If you’re new to cake decorating or new to piping cupcakes it can be hard to know which piping tip / nozzle to use to create which swirl. Two of the most popular piping tips are the 1M and the 2D so I thought this week I would compare the two, piping 4 different cupcakes, so you can see the differences and choose which one you prefer for the next time you are looking to pipe some cupcakes. I also show you how I prepare my piping bag with buttercream and how I pipe each cupcake step by step. ➡In this video I use an American buttercream recipe which you can find here: ➡Plus you will find my vanilla cupcake recipe here: ★ For more piping tips technique videos check these out: Piping techniques #1: Piping techniques #2: Piping techniques #3 (Russian piping tips): Piping
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