Amazing Video of SU-35 Shows Its Insane Maneuverability

The Su-35 is a multirole fighter aircraft designed for air-to-air and air- to-ground missions, making it a versatile weapon system that can be used in a wide range of combat scenarios. The Su-35 has been used in several conflicts, including the Syrian Civil War, where it has been operated by the Russian Air Force. In the Syrian conflict, the Su-35 has been primarily used for air-to- ground missions, conducting airstrikes against rebel and terrorist targets. The aircraft has been praised for its precision strike capabilities and its ability to operate in complex and hostile environments. The Su-35’s advanced sensors and avionics have also proved useful for detecting and tracking targets in contested airspace. The Su-35’s supermaneuverability also gives it an advantage in air-to- air combat, allowing it to outmaneuver and evade enemy fighters. However, the Su-35’s primary focus in the Syrian conflict has been on ground attack missions, rather than air-to-air combat. The Su-35 is a highly advanced fighter jet that incorporates several cutting-edge technologies. Some of the key technologies and features of the Su-35 include: Vectoring: The Su-35 is equipped with thrust vectoring engines, which allow the aircraft to control its direction of thrust and achieve high angles of attack. This gives the aircraft excellent maneuverability, especially in dogfight scenarios. Avionics: The Su-35’s cockpit is equipped with advanced avionics, including a digital fly-by-wire control system, a glass cockpit with multifunction displays, and a helmet-mounted display system. The aircraft also has a highly integrated system of sensors and communications equipment, which give it excellent situational awareness and enable it to operate effectively in complex, network- centric environments. Systems: The Su-35 is armed with a wide range of weapons, including air-to-air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, rockets, and bombs. It is also equipped with a 30mm cannon. The aircraft has a sophisticated fire control system that integrates these weapons with the aircraft’s avionics and sensors, allowing for highly precise and effective targeting. Features: The Su-35 incorporates several stealth features, including radar-absorbing materials, serrated edges on its engine exhaust nozzles, and reduced heat signature. These features help to reduce the aircraft’s radar signature and make it more difficult for enemy forces to detect and track. The Su-35 is equipped with a wide range of weapons, including air-to- air missiles, air-to-surface missiles, rockets, and bombs. Here are some of the main weapons used by the Su-35: Missiles: The Su-35 can carry various types of air-to-air missiles, including the R-77 (also known as the AA-12 Adder), which is a medium-range, active radar-guided missile that is effective against both manned and unmanned targets. It can also carry the R- 73 (also known as the AA-11 Archer), which is a short-range, infrared homing missile that is effective against agile targets. Missiles: The Su-35 can carry various types of air-to- surface missiles, including the Kh-29 (AS-14 Kedge), which is a medium-range, laser-guided missile that is effective against hardened and mobile targets. It can also carry the Kh-59 (AS-18 Kazoo), which is a long-range, TV-guided missile that is effective against large and heavily defended targets. : The Su-35 can carry various types of rockets, including the S-8 unguided rocket, which is effective against light vehicles and infantry, and the S-25 laser-guided rocket, which is effective against armored vehicles and fortifications. : The Su-35 can carry various types of bombs, including the KAB-500 (500 kg) and KAB-1500 (1,500 kg) guided bombs, which are effective against hardened and heavily defended targets. a note to you!...Be careful in choosing news: double-check the news for truth from all sources, don’t trust only one media. This video and cover is for illustration purposes only. Video footages are use for illustration purposes Join Our Channel Mamber:
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