St-Paul de Vence in the south of France

St-Paul de Vence in the South of France is one of the best preserved and prettiest medieval villages in all of Europe. We’re going to take you on a walk straight through the middle of St-Paul on the main pedestrian lane from one end of town to the other and later working to show you all the little side streets. Located on the Cote d’Azur along the French Riviera in Provence, this village is one of the prettiest in Europe. The cobblestone lanes here are among the finest that you will ever see. When you reach the far end of the main lane you exit through another gateway arch and then there’s a staircase that leads your right up onto the wall with a lovely viewing platform where you can see across the distant landscape. The walks round the walls are in part wider, and the small gardens of the houses sloping down to them, with the dark foliage and golden fruit of their orange groves, form a beautiful foreground to the lovely views that are vis
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