‘Hiding’ Justin Trudeau calls truckers protest ‘disgusting’; Anti-vax mandate stir peaks in Canada

Amid ongoing stir in Canada against the vaccine mandate for truckers, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau lashed out at those protesting and declared that he will not be intimidated by them. From an undisclosed location, where he shifted after the truckers surrounded his home in Ottawa, Justin Trudeau in a series of tweets called the protests disgusting and said that his government won’t cave in to the racist flags at the stir. However, he added he has chosen to not go anywhere near protests that have expressed hateful rhetoric, violence and disrespect. Trudeau’s remarks come a day after protests in Canada peaked, forcing the PM and his family to flee Ottawa and move to an undisclosed location. Earlier this month, Canada imposed a new vaccine mandate declaring that truckers entering the country had to be fully vaccinated from January 15 onwards. The new health mandate caused a massive uproar given that over 15% of truckers in Canada - i.e. about 16,000 - are still not fully vaccinated against COVID-19. #Cana
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