Life in the mountains. They made 50 kg of traditional Hutsul cows cheese. Ukrainian Carpathian
This is polonyna (montane meadow) Bukovets. It is located in the Ukrainian Carpathians. People make cheese every day from spring to autumn. Hutsul Brynza is a special cheese made high in the mountains. Sheep or cow’s milk is most often used for the production of this cheese. The process is very interesting and informative. At the end of the video, you will see the Banush (banosh) dish. Map
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English name (transliteration): Brynza (Bryndza)
Українська назва: Бринза (Коров’яча гуцульська бринза)
Location: Ukraine, Polonyna Bukovets ( )
Hutsul cow cheese
✅ cow’s milk
✅ rennet enzyme (ґлєґ)
✅ salt
How people make bryndza in Carpathian mountains
00:00 In this video
00:16 Prepare a cauldron
00:22 Shepherds drive cows
00:38 Workers start milking cows
01:39 They collect the cream from the evening milk
02:26 milk is moved to the fire
03:08 warm milk is removed from the heat
03:38 Carpathian cheese
04:45 make cheese
06:23 washed with salt water (sorovytsya, соровиця, ропа)
06:37 The liquid that remained after cooking
07:23 make brynza
08:12 make traditional dish (corn porridge on sour cream)
08:48 add salt to cheese
09:18 Banush with cheese
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⏩ Better than pasta
⏩ Carpathian Food
#ukraine #food #cheese #carpathians #mountains #bryndza #cows #cow #travel #traditional #authentic #polonyna #milk #life
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