“Denmark In France!“ (1932)

Full Title reads: “Paris. ’Denmark in France!’ Danish Crown Prince opens College for students of his country, replacing old - there has been one in Paris since 1243.“ Paris, France. Exterior of tall building with large Danish flag hanging outside. Car arrives, Crown Prince Frederick gets out with various dignitaries. They are greeted on the steps of the building. In another area (possibly courtyard) Crown Prince and other dignitaries. Crown Prince walks forwards to building. Plaque on wall covered up, below it is a street sign which reads “Rue Basse Des Cahmes“. The cover falls away to reveal the plaque, which is in French. It talks about a college for Danish students as part of the University of Paris. C/U of plaque. High angle shot of the Crown Prince with other dignitaries. Sound track missing. Paperwork shows no record of this item. It may belong to another gazette. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL, BRITISH PATHÉ TV. IT’S FULL OF GREAT DOCUMENTARIES, FASCIN
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