The ONE-WAY smoke META of Dust2’s bombsite A (CT-side) | CS afap

*Ropz pixel perfect smoke tutorial:* Keywords for this smoke are the spawns from left to right (1 to 5), and append “64“ when playing on 64tick servers. For example spawn 3 is “364“ in matchmaking. With the recent changes to dust2 (mid block), CTs got free real estate over lower tunnels and top mid leaving A long undercontested. The meta seems to have shifted from taking A long with 3 players to barely contesting. As a response to Ts often getting A long control, these one-way smokes on bombsite A have proven their effectiveness over the last weeks. This video is slightly slower paced than usual since I find it equaly important to recognize these one-way smokes from the receiving side. ► *Join our new Discord* 🎮 ► *Jumpthrow - Bind* alias “ jumpthrow“ “ jump; -attack; -attack2“ alias “-jumpthrow“ “-jump“ bind “space“ “ jump
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