ENTRIES CLOSED: Giveaway! Fossil vulgaris crab prep and competition

A friend of mine sent me this concretion to prep and use in a giveaway. It’s a Pulalius vulgaris crab from the United States and is from the Eocene. Check out my new Patreon page, it starts from $4 per month and I try and release at least 2 - 4 extra videos a month on there: Instagram: Website: Official entry rules: One entry per person. To enter the competition, make sure you are subscribed to the channel and guess the weight in grams or ounces (grams preferred). Entries close 2 Nov 2020 12:00 NZST. The competition is open to any country I can ship to using the New Zealand postal system, which should be 95% of the world. No personal data will be collected other than that required to ship the prize to the winner. The winner is chosen as the first entry I see with the correct weight, other entries with the correct weight do not win anything.
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