Marcin Dylla: “Appalachian Summer“ Matthew Dunne GFA part 4

Part 4 of Marcin Dylla’s performance for the 2005 Guitar Foundation of America Competition in Oberlin, Ohio. Marcin performs “Appalachian Summer,“ the set piece composed for the competition. Marcin has won well over a dozen major international competitions. He was edged out this time by Canadian Jerome Ducharme, who’s performance is also posted here. Marcin Dylla, October 2005, Oberlin Ohio: 1. Sonata Giocosa: (Joaquin Rodrigo) - I. Allegro Moderato - II. Andante Moderato - III. Allegro 2. Appalachian Summer (Matthew Dunne) 3. Sonata for Guitar (Alberto Ginastera) - I. Esordio - II. Scherzo - III. Canto - IV. Finale Courtesy of Marcin Dylla. Special Thanks to the Guitar Foundation of America:
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