5-HOUR STUDY WITH ME 🍃 / calm piano / Tokyo Skyline at Sunset / Pomodoro 50-10

Ambient ver. (no music during study session): Long time no see folks! As always, let’s study using the pomodoro technique! We’re doing 50-10 today. There will be 5 pomodoros(50-min), with 10-min break in between. Tell me what are you studying in the comments! And let’s check off all our goals for today! ☑️ ⏱ TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER 0:00 - INTRO 1:00 - session ① 51:00 - break🍵 1:01:00 - session ② 1:51:00 - break🍵 2:01:00 - session ③ 2:51:00 - break🍵 3:01:00 - session ④ 3:51:00 - break🍵 4:01:00 - session ⑤ 4:51:00 - OUTRO 📜 FOLLOW THE ARTISTS 🎼Michael Azusa 🎼BigRicePiano
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