Dmitri Timofeev: Angel (Live at MATA Festival 2017)

Dmitri Timofeev: Angel (2007) Live from MATA Festival 2017 April 29, 2017 The Kitchen New York, New York NOVUS NY Scott Jarrett, conductor Dmitry Timofeev: Angel (2007) It has been said that the sound of a flock of migrating sand hill cranes is indescribable. Individual birds give calls that resemble loud, rattling bugles, each lasting a few seconds and often strung together. Cranes sing on the ground and in flight. When the flock reaches a high altitude, they become difficult to see and the sound can resemble an incorporeal choir of angels. This sound lies at the heart of Russian composer Dmitry Timofeev’s elegy to his father, Angel. Micro-chromatic harmonies – one violin and the contrabass are tuned a quarter-tone sharp – lend a trancelike feel to the sustained tones and the reliance on minor third melodic motion. The end result is something otherworldly, sincere, original, and transcendent.
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