Michael Jackson Meets The Simpsons | The FULL Story Behind His Guest Starring | the detail.

Michael Jackson was a fan of The Simpsons as soon as they launched onto tv screens back in 1989. So much so he rang up the cartoon creators and straight off the bat offered to write Bart a number one single and guest star in the show. The single was ’Do The Bartman’, released in 1990, in which Jackson co-wrote and did back up vocals for, and The Simpsons episode he appeared in was Season Three’s debut ’Stark Raving Dad’. Michael Jackson would be referenced several times throughout the series longstanding run, before allegations made against the King Of Pop motivated The Simpsons creators to remove their episode with Jackson and cut all ties with the superstar. ✨ TIKTOK | @thedetailmj ▶️ WATCH NEXT EVERY MICHAEL JACKSON COMMERCIAL 1980-89 4K | Michael Jackson, RACISM & The Cola Wars | Behind The Music | '
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