Which “money personality” are you? | Your Brain on Money

To be good with money, you have to know yourself. Subscribe to Big Think on YouTube ► Watch the full Your Brain on Money playlist ► Financial advice needs to be personalized. There is no “one size fits all“ approach to financial management. In fact, just as we all have different personalities, we also have unique “money personalities.“ There are four different money personalities: avoidance, worship, status, and vigilance. There are elements of truth and dysfunction in each. 0:00 Money psychology 0:57 The neuroscience of personality 2:07 4 money personalities 4:22 Personal(ity) finance Watch on ► We created this video in partnership with @MillionStoriesMedia. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About Big Think | Smarter Faster™ ► Big Think The leading source of expert-driven, educational content. With thousands of videos, featuring experts ranging from Bill Clinton to Bill Nye, Big Think helps you get smarter, faster by exploring the big ideas and core skills that define knowledge in the 21st century. ► Big Think Make your business smarter, faster: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Want more Big Think? ► Daily editorial features: ► Get the best of Big Think right to your inbox: ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Twitter:
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