Is it possible to deal ZERO DAMAGE? - Demon’s Souls

inb4 you say “just use a miracle build“ ... because I tested that too. ? -Timecodes for time travelers- 0:00- Oh! Time for Data 0:40- Defense/Break/FailedStats 2:04- Let’s do this! 2:50- The test run 3:59- Wut? 0 damage? 5:00- NEGATIVE DAMAGE 5:21- Errr.. any use for it all? -Music used in order- Modern Jazz Samba- Kevin Macleod CaitSith’sTheme- FF7OST Garbage-day- LISA OST OneProblemSolved- FF9 OST Casa Bossa Nova- Kevin Macleod Violet Sky- HotelDusk OST B
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