Figure Drawing With Gesture | Stiff Character Poses? Use Gesture Drawing To Give Them More Movement!

🎓 How To Draw Comics Academy: In this tutorial, we’ll be taking a short break from our anatomy series, and taking a quick trip back to figure drawing - as we delve deeper into gesture drawing. For many artists, their characters wind out looking stiff, and lifeless - like zombies riddled with Rigor mortis! Their figure drawings lack that fluid sense of movement that makes a character look alive and animated! Like proportions, gesture drawing is a drawing fundamentals issue that no amount of anatomy drawing or character design tinkering can fix. It’s a problem that lies within the skeleton of the figure itself, and so it affects everything layered on top of it. In this tutorial you’ll learn why stiff poses, and robotic looking characters happen and how to harness the power of gesture drawing so that you can avoid it altogether. By the end of this lesson you’ll know how to bring your characters t
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