Facebook iPhone Listening into our Conversations for Advertising TEST

My wife and I took a random subject we had NEVER every talked about or searched online, and talked about it while her iPhone was on in the background. Two days later, our Facebook advertising completely changed over to cat food for a few days. (For licensing inquiries please contact licensing@) UPDATE: Apparently this is up on Reddit and people are talking about this a bit. I made it over a year ago now. So instead of replying to all comments below I’ll just post this - This isn’t something I posted to get attention, I really couldn’t give a turd if anybody saw this at all. It was just for my friends after we had a conversation about it. So I didn’t record too much in depth or make a super ’scientific video’ for Reddit etc, but it’s legit and there were cat food ads for a few days. It wasn’t a coincidence because we did this a few times with other keywords we never talk about and it always produced results with other keywords. It’s quite funny how odd and fairly specific you can get to get results. Somebody told me it’s because I’ve given permission to Facebook to use the mic, but I haven’t tested that out. Just try it out yourself if you don’t believe it. Give it a couple days. Just make sure you do it around your phone, but talk about your subject like hashtags and keywords and make sure it’s something you’ve never typed or talked about.... again this was a year ago I made this so things may have changed. :)
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