SHUT DOWN - BLACKPINK (Born Pink) - Kpop Dance in Public!
SHUTDOWN - Blackpink (Born Pink) - KPOP DANCE IN PUBLIC!!
Whip it Whip it Whip it Whip it!
What up my Blinks! This is me dancing in public doing a Blackpink Dance cover on the streets of NYC. With the release of Blackpink’s Born Pink, we all feeling lit! Blackpink reaction was lit! Yall know I do my blackpink tiktok dances all over NYC.
So many of you guys requested a reaction Shut DOwn! And you know my blackpink dance is on point hahah. You can call this a blackpink ShutDown reaction. People were shook. I was inspired to do my own version of Blackpink Shut Down dance. Pink Venom Blackpink dance videos had me amped. For real Shut Down Blackpink killed it. Ill be doing my blackpink tik tok dance everywhere now.
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