[Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader] Hurricane

He was never the villain, but the victim. ’ Alright, so since i’m in quarantine I’ve taken the opportunity to have a Star Wars marathon and it ended up in this. Anakin has always been a favorite of mine due to me growing up with the prequels. As I grew older, I managed to understand his story and sympathise with him. I find it quite interesting, sad and tragic how his story played out, and it does truly bind the whole saga together. He was always the Chosen One, even after he turned. The whole saga is about him, idc what disney says... i’m not counting the sequels. One thing people managed to misunderstand is that Anakin didn’t turn ’easily’. It has all been building up. If you’ve watched the Clone Wars series, you have a better understanding. But I wanted to focus on how he got where he got. The council was far from flawless, and Obi-Wan was never the perfect master. His whole life the Jedi Order has been crucial to him. It was all he had. When they asked him to do somet
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