20 Most Expensive Military Machines Ever Built

Military budgets are known to be extremely huge across the world some even close to $700 billion. But where do all those hundreds of billions of dollars go? Off course some are used on food and uniform for the soldiers, but some huge chunk goes on purchasing of amazing and very expensive military machines. Today, you will be amazed as we unveil some of the top 20 most expensive military machines ever built. 1. The P-8 A Poseidon For a cost of US$ billion, the poseidon was dubbed the god of the sea. It was supposed to be a surveillance plane and came jam-packed with mines, missiles and torpedoes’. With so many weapons inside this planes original wings had to be changed because they weren’t heavy enough. This Us navy plane is so gigantic! About three times the size of a normal plane and has cameras that can see bodies even while underwater. A great machine indeed! 2. The AMP-56 Leclerc This is the most expensive tank in the world. For a unit price of US$4 million in 20
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