Kapitan Service | Ремонт мобильных устройствtan video
Showrunner is a game that allows us to make our own TV shows! We run a TV studio and so to earn a living we have to make shows to entertain the people. We have to choose the focus of the series, hire writers, hire actors, choose themes for each season, choose what elements of the script to focus on and much more!
We begin with a mere handful of employees and we decide to go down the route of a medical drama. This requires a lot of writing that involves character development and dramatic elements, plus a little bit of plot thrown in too.
Our writer gets to work and soon we have episode one sorted, although it doesn’t do overly well. But that’s fine because our staff develop and get better at their jobs!
We’re able to hire more staff to provide even more script-writing brilliance and recording crew expertise and also we expand our acting team from one person to a mighty four people! There are some characters in there that you might recognise, and interestingly the characters level up as well as the actors themselves.
But do we create a TV hit or is it TV trash? You’ll have to tune it to find out!
NOTE: This is an early Early Access version of the game.
Showrunner can be found here:
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If you’d like to connect with me, you can find me on...
Epic Games Creator Code: THEGEEKCUPBOARD
Create your show
Name your show then pick a genre (options include drama, comedy, procedural, thriller or mystery) and a theme (for example sci-fi, fantasy, medical, office or historical). Score a lucrative contract with a television or streaming company as long as you can meet the goals they set for you!
Craft scripts
Lay out episode scripts by playing scene cards, defining the overall story structure. Each card will increase the score of the script in various categories (plot, characters, visuals, comedy, drama, action) with smart selections and powerful combinations earning special bonuses. Unlock new and more powerful cards over time. Gradually define themes for each season that pair well with your scripts and characters.
Make characters and select actors
Pick an archetype for each character then try to find an actor that fits the bill. Define the character’s appearance from extensive customisation options then develop them over time to be more nuanced and unique by picking perks that further characterise them and provide major boosts.
Hire and manage staff
Hire writers to complete scripts, directors and crew to handle filming and editors to bring together the final cut. Staff have varying stats and classes which tend towards specific strengths and weaknesses and they gain experience over time. Rotate and rest your team to manage their energy and keep everyone working at their best.
Design and manage your studio
Buy items and furniture to personalise and improve your studio, gaining staff boosts in the process. Build new rooms, upgrade existing ones and increase your studio’s reputation. Manage this while trying to balance your finances and keep your studio in the black!
Make episodes and gain fans
With the outline for a script ready the writing team will work their magic from there. Have your actors, directors and crew film the scenes then the editors wrap things up. Build a dedicated following for your show and grow interest with good reviews and popular characters.
Channel graphics designed by Penge in The Geek Cupboard.
Additional audio:
Music to Delight Kevin MacLeod ()
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
1 view
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