10 Things To Do With A Speed Modded Cassette Player...

10 absolutely valid uses for our speed modded tape player... _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Battery Operated is an experimental sound and art project with circuit-bending and cassette tapes as the main focus. Inside a backyard workshop in a small town in England, we tinker away at any junk we can get our hands on hoping to find an unintended use. If you decide to follow us on any of our platforms, expect to see: Workshop Hangouts, Ambient Jam & other Jams, Tear-Downs, Tutorials, Repairs, Bootsale Hunting, Tape-Loops, Everything Circuit Bending, Sound-art, Vignettes and I’ll stop now because we have too many ideas.... ▼▼ ▼▼ LIKE, SHARE, SUBSCRIBE, RINSE, REPEAT. ▼ Etsy: ▼ Instagram: ▼ Soundcloud: ▼ Reddit: ▼ Twitter: ▼ Twitch: Coming soon(tm)
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