Let Sleeping Goats Lie

Hundreds of people come to hold our kids over the spring. So by the time they are 5-6 weeks old and getting ready for new homes, they completely trust people. There are so many moments that make me tear up in the pasture when people are visiting. In a world that can be crazy and cold, the goats somehow bring out a centered warm, oozy goodness that makes me feel so so lucky when I get to just sit back on a warm day and watch. Simple sweetness. I made this movie mostly for myself so I can watch it on winter mornings and remember days like today. But I hope you enjoy it too! ;) My favorite thing about opening the farm to visitors is watching people arrive busy with a million thoughts, then a goat falls asleep in their arms and the world melts away and all is simple and good in those moments. It always feels like such a precious interaction and I wanted to catch a taste of it for people who have never seen it happen. The kids begin to leave in pairs or groups to amazing homes next weekend at 8 weeks. I will r
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