How To Be Charming In Any Conversation

Check out Charisma University: Subscribe to Charisma On Command’s YouTube Account:  Hugh Jackman is one of the most charming people in Hollywood. The best part about his style of charisma is that once you get it down, it’s effortless. Specifically, Hugh has 6 habits that make him charming to almost anyone he meets.  After you learn a few of these habits, you can go into any conversation with confidence, knowing you’ll find it’s easy to make people smile, laugh, and love being around you. ⏰TIMESTAMPS⏰  0:00 - Intro. 0:40 - #1: Reframe the situations that make you nervous. 2:04 - #2: Be contagiously positive. 4:10 - #3: Give yourself permission to admit to emotions beyond happiness. 5:03 - #4: Own your flaws and don’t be afraid to talk about them. 6:37 - #5: Tell sticky stories. 7:47 - #6: Make the people around you feel special. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #CharismaOnCommand #HughJackman ------------
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