World Space Health Bars That Follow Units | Unity Tutorial

Learn how to make Health Bars that stay above the heads of units in World Space! A common need in games is to show Health Bars over some enemy or unit. In this tutorial we’ll take a look at one way to achieve that in a way that enables us to retain the benefits of sliced and filled Sprites. I also discuss some of the “gotchas“ that you may encounter as you implement this in terms of both performance and strange behaviors. We’re not starting from scratch in this video, so if something doesn’t make sense to you, check out the previous videos that implemented that specific piece of functionality: ⚫ Progress Bars - ⚫ Explosions with Obstructions - ⚫ Spawning NavMeshAgents at Runtime - ⚫ Introduction to NavMeshes in Unity - Each of these has their own GitHub repository as well that allows you to get an exact replica of
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