Poor Man’s Triple Motor 12 Foot Center Console Bass Boat

I call this boat the Intruder12X3. It’s crazy. It’s stupid. It’s ridiculous. It’s just plain fun. This boat is not meant to be practical. Or super fast. Although it jumps on plain very quickly! For me, it is a proof of concept. That I could put three motors on the back of a small boat. I would’ve put four 2.6 outboards on it, but those little motors don’t have reverse. And part of the allure of this build is how I can make this boat spin on a dime by putting one outside motor in forward and the other side motor in reverse. It acts just like my 31ft Chris Craft :^D I laughed a lot while outfitting this boat. Groaned a lot during the lengthy filming and editing of this video. Spent a ton of money pursuing this asinine en devour. Yet, I would do it again for the laughs! I hope you enjoyed watching as much as I enjoyed making it all happen. Something tells me this won’t be the last time I do something stupid like this. Thanks for the views and for encouraging me to live l
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