Saudi Arabia in prayers! Storm of the century and giant hailstones strikes Riyadh

Saudi Arabia in prayers! Storm of the century and giant hailstones strikes Riyadh Heavy rains, thunderstorms, and hail wreaked havoc across Saudi Arabia, causing widespread disruption. The capital city, Riyadh, along with Mecca and Jazan, bore the brunt of the storms, experiencing severe flooding. Streets in Riyadh turned into rivers as torrential downpours inundated the city, leading to traffic chaos and infrastructure damage. Residents in affected areas were urged to exercise caution and stay indoors until the weather conditions improved. The meteorological department issued warnings about the possibility of further rainfall and advised people to take necessary precautions. Rescue teams were deployed to assist those stranded in flooded areas and to provide aid to affected communities. Schools and businesses were forced to close temporarily due to the adverse weather conditions, disrupting daily life. Authorities are assessing the extent of the damage and implementing measures to
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