Death Was Looming - I Am... (Full Album)

1. 00:00. The Face of Your Fear 2. 05:14. Death Discovered 3. 11:11. In The Presence of Death 4. 18:15. The Denier of Dreams 5. 23:22. The Monster You Will Become 6. 30:17. The Presence of Death 7. 35:43. Awake Deathened Black Metal for the Darkness... Death Was Looming is a project that was brought forth from the Darkness in 2018 near Toronto, Canada. Trevor Brook-Allred (ex-Blood of Christ and Strings of Ares) sought a means to express a more raw and murkier sound than previous endeavours. More than this, he wanted DWL to be a space where he could bring together Musicians who could collaborate seamlessly in exploring darker textures that are different from their other projects, and create Music for the enjoyment of the process. Indeed, the members of DWL have all expressed a common tendency of finding light through Embracing the Darkness. Robbie Bradley (Devouring Saturn) joined Trevor as a key songwriter and guitarist and Clint Shingler joined shortly aft
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