FJ Cruiser Switches and Buttons Explained - Everything you need to know!
Hey there everyone! Welcome to another episode of LET’S FJ! In this video I dive into the topic of FJ Cruiser switches and buttons since it is a commonly asked about topic in the FJ community.
In this video we cover all the different OEM buttons that would have come on the FJ depending on your FJ’s year, whether it is 2WD or 4WD, manual or automatic, etc.
Here are time stamps to help navigate the video:
0:00 - Intro
1:49 - RR DIFF LOCK Switch
3:17 - A-TRAC Switch
5:50 - Auxiliary Light Switches
6:47 - Sub Woofer Switch
7:32 - Power Outlet Switch
8:28 - Backup Sonar Switch
9:14 - Auto LSD Switch
10:13 - VSC Off Switch
11:42 - Clutch Start Cancel Switch
12:35 - RSCA Off Switch
13:24 - VIP Alarm Off Switch
15:00 - OEM Switch Sizes
15:28 - Conclusion