The Most UNDERRATED Yakuza Sequel - Kurohyou 2 Retrospective
Kurohyou 2, the sequel to the best Yakuza PSP Spin-off game ever made. It’s an incredibly based game that has everything you could possibly want in a handheld game. Unless what you want is like Crysis 3 on a PSP or something I dunno why you WOULD want that but if you did want that you can’t get that.
It also has a co-op/PvP(?) multiplayer mode that I may or may not have forgotten about until I was using my printer to scan the box art of the game and saw it in the manual. The mode lets you create your own character and you can run around fighting dudes as said character, but that’s the only mode I can test because I have no one to test the actual multiplayer with lol. You can also do 4 player Mahjong :O woah so exciting.
Also the box came with a map of Kamurocho and Sotenbori that was styled like a little pamphlet map you’d see at a little information booth. I dunno if the first game had that because my box just had the game with it and when I bought it the cashier was like “ふくろごりようですか?“ and I shook my head and then he pointed at a picture of a bag and then I pointed at the bag I was already holding and was gonna use and then he was like “ah yes lol“ and then I got the game.
Fix for if you get that issue where dudes chase after you and you can’t run away:
1. Go to PPSSPP folder
2. memstick\PSP\SYSTEM\
3. Scroll down or CTRL F to ForceMaxEmulatedFPS
4. Change it to I think 20? Maybe 15? Change around if needed
5. Launch emulator and run away from dudes
6. Save ya game, then close the emulator
7. Swap back to 60 and Bob just so happens to be your uncle :)
8. If that didn’t work then perhaps try contacting Nagoshi and he’ll just send you a cat emoji to make you feel better
English patch for Kurohyou 2 and Kurohyou 1 next month:
Kurohyou 2 OST complete with an ogx360 Build and Review video for some reason:
Join the channel and become one of the LADs (Like a Dragons):
Songs (all from Tekken Tag Tournament 2):
Aim to Win - Long Edit
School (After School Mix)
stained orange
The Strongest Iron Arena (Silver Mix)
Luxury Garden (from the Wii U version)
Baile de Batalla
Abyss of Time LONG EDIT
Tekken Tag Tournament Piano Intro (Massive Mix)
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