Bisturì - Bisturí [2022 Grindcore]

Bisturì - raw old school grindcore band from Cantabria, Spain Tracklist: Lateral Progresiva Aguda Miocardica Pulmonar Obstructiva Congestiva Arterial Pulmonar Hiperinflamatorio Multisistemico Respiratorio Agudo Severo De Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida Crural Con Hemiataxia Ipsilateral Acuagenica Osificante Progresiva Verruciforme Aguda Monoclonal De Significado Incierto Hemofagocitica Amiloide Cerebral Venosas Cerebrales Venosas Cerebrales Intraparenquimatoso Ictisioforme Ampollosa Gingivales Hematica Gangrenosa vacilar Tenesmo 2016 Linfatica Ectodermica Postraumatica Protesica Precoz Tuberculosa Periapical Purulenta Botonosa Cromico Yugular Supurada Urinaria Al Corte Eritematoso Meningococica Invasiva Tripas Infectadas Orbeko Etxea Note: If you are a member of the band or a member of a label related to this release and you want the video to be removed please let me know by sending me a pm on facebook page or on my email adress. #grindwarchannel #grindwar
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