Balloon Will Do A “Kon Tiki“ (1958)

Full title reads: “Balloon Will Do A ’Kon Tiki’.“ Cardington, Bedfordshire. GV Balloon inflated inside one of the Cardington hangars. LV Men supervising the ballast bags which are hanging underneath the balloon. Camera pans up to he balloon and we see the letters on it “G-Apob the small world“. Angle panning shot of ballast bags hanging from the balloon. Angle shot of same, LV Elevates shot looking down into the boat which will hang beneath the balloon. In the boat are seated, on the left, Tim Eiloart next to him on the right, Rosemary Mudie and with back to camera Colin Mudie. SV Tim and Rosemary start to pedal the device which operates the horizontal stabilising propellers. CU Tim and Rosemary pedalling, camera pans down to pedals which are geared up to a generator which charges batteries. CU Generator working. SV Colin pedalling, he stops turns round and lies down showing where the members of the crew will sleep. LV Elevated shot showing the boat with the propellers working. SV Colin looking up under
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