P.M. For Commons (1963)

Item title reads - P.M. for Commons. Prime Minister Alec Douglas-Home stands in by-election at Kinross, Scotland. M/S crowds outside the Conservative committee room at Crieff. C/U poster “Vote for Douglas-Home“. C/U the Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home signing autographs. L/S Arthur Donaldson, the Scottish National Party candidate, talking to women outside shop. Various shots of Donaldson. C/U road sign “Kinross“. L/S Andrew Forrester the Labour Candidate talking to a shopkeeper. C/U of the shopkeeper. C/U Mr Forrester. M/S Ian Smith “Independent Unionist“ talking to two men. C/U of the two men. C/U Smith. M/S countryside. M/S Alastair Duncan Millar, the Liberal candidate talking to two farmers. C/U Millar. M/S of the two farm workers. L/S television star William Rushton, who is standing as an Independent on a non-party basis, walking up to house. M/S as he rings doorbell. M/S as woman opens door. C/U as Rushton raises his hat. L/S as he talks to group of women in the doorway. M/S of the gro
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