Caravan Grand Prix (1966)

Brands Hatch, Kent. GV. Start of mass tow of cars and caravans round Brands Hatch circuit for the caravan ’Grand Prix’ - new caravans test run, & LV. Pan to back view. SV. Towards and pan, Rolls Royce drop head pulling an Eccles Caravan. SV. Towards and pan, Ford Rambler pulling Caribbean, one of the most expensive caravans at a cost of £1540. CU. Ford Rambler car. Pan up to driver getting out of car and walks towards the Caribbean caravan. SV. Interior as man enters caravan. He sits down and opens cocktail cabinet. He closes it, gets up and walks out of picture. SV. Back view, man enters the kitchen department, examines cooker and he opens the fridge. GV. Rover 2000 pulling Alpine Cruiser caravan trailer. SV. Man gets out of car, walks back to trailer and starts to open it. SCU. Two men watching. SV. As two men start to erect tent from the trailer. SV. Three men watching. LV. The erected tent. CU. Pan showing the spacious interior. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR ONLINE CHANNEL
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