Full title reads: “Strike But No Chaos“.
Officials try to minimise damage caused by rail strike.
GV Elevated, London showing traffic in streets. GV Practically empty street with a few cars. GV Cars coming over bridge. SV Man in shorts running along pavement. SV Pony and trap going past camera. SV People walking along street. GV Motorcyclist coming down street turns corner in front of camera to show Pathe cameraman filming from pillion.
CU Transport Minister Mr Ernest Marples talking to two policemen. CU Marples. SV Marples taking his bicycle. GV Marples cycling past camera.
CU Mr George Woodcock, TUC General Secretary (Trades Union Congress). GV The British Transport Commission building, Marylebone Road. SV NUR (National Union of Railwaymen) leader Sydney Greene and another man leaving building. CU Sydney Greene.
GV Deserted Waterloo Station, pan to show departure board. SV Lone man sitting on seat surrounded by pigeons. GV Deserted Victoria Station. GV Buses at London Bridge. SV Empty bus