’copters Rescue Eleven From Hitler’s Eyrie Aka Alpine Rescue (1958)

Full title reads: “Bavaria. ’Copters rescue Eleven From Hitler’s Eyrie“. Bavaria, Germany. GV Section of the Bavarian Alps. GV Pan, from snowcovered road to mountain on peak of which is Kehlsteinhaus where eleven people are trapped. CU Man on telephone. CU Two men, one handing the other a pair of binoculars which the man looks through towards the mountain. GV Mountain with Kehlsteinhaus on the peak. SV Snow plough making its way through the snow and shooting spray of snow to the side. CU Spray of snow. CU Two men walking through snow trying to reach the peak with medicines. CU Ditto, as they sink up to their knees in snow. SV Ditto, one man reaches out his arm to point. GV Avalanche coming down the mountain. GV US Army helicopter in flight towards the peak. CU Int. helicopter, pilot in radio contact with the ground. GV From helicopter of mountains covered in snow. GV Kehlsteinhaus from the helicopter. SV Trapped people walking towards camera. BV People walking towards helicopter. CU Pilot of helicop
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