Sling All Arms! (1932)

United States of America. Introductory intertitle reads: “Budding ’white hopes’ get ready for a little war of their own.“ High angle shot of large group of young boys (between 4 and 8 years old?) wearing boxing gloves and little shorts and T-shirts with the word “Navy“ emblazoned across them. A trainer stands in front of them and spectators sit behind. The trainer shouts out instructions and the boys put up their dukes and pull various boxing poses. M/S of the boys as the trainer shouts “left, right, left, right“ and they punch the air. Cute M/Ss of the boys. One of the littlest ones nearly falls over as he wiggles around as he punches the air. “Anybody’s war - “ reads an intertitle. Boxing ring full of boys - a little older then the toddlers seen earlier. M/S of two youngsters boxing - about 3 or 4 years old. The trainer crouches between them and other boys spectate. One of them knocks his opponent down. Story has no music. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRITISH PATHÉ. EXPLORE OUR
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