South Africa: What Now? (1960)

Item title reads - South Africa: what now? Cape Town. L/S of the city from above. M/S naval man walks along the street amongst other people. C/U poster reading ’Commons deplores nat. race policy’. Various shots of people walking about. M/S newspaper headlines telling of police raid in Durban etc. L/S parliament building. M/S as opposition leader Sir de Villiers Graaf walks along and up steps. C/U Defence Minister Erasmus. M/S two policemen. C/U Mr De Wet Nel, Minister of Bantu affairs walking along. C/U sign for Cape Town. C/U signs ’Whites only’, ’Exclusively for Whites’. Various shots of children of both colours playing together. C/U two black children sat on pavement. L/S of an armoured car around block outside Nyanga native location. C/U board reading “Construction camp Nyanga“. M/S of the armoured car outside the location. Shot of a spotter aircraft going overhead. L/S armoured car. M/S three black policemen. Various shots of the derelict huts in the area. M/S pan down the burnt out poli
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