We Want A Zebra! (1962)

Full title reads: “London. We Want A Zebra!“. Kentish Town, London. SV of kids marching towards camera carrying banners saying “We want a crossing“. CU Children, camera pans up to show the name of their school on a board “Torriano Primary School“ where they assembled before marching to the Police Station. GV of the children with banners outside the school. SV of traffic going past the point where the children want a crossing. CU Policeman holding his hand up to stop the traffic. SV Motor car stopping. SV Children crossing road in front of Policeman. LV Of the children with banners marching to Police Station. SV of man with loud hailer camera pans to show procession of children marching along street. SV Head of the procession. In the front are some of the organisers of the protest amongst whom is Mrs Pat Sullivan who organised it. CU of the lamp outside the Police Station. LV Of the children sitting in the road outside the Police Station holding their banners. SV Ditto. SV of Mrs Sullivan coming
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